Mogok Ruby Land 800th anniversary

About 120 miles north of Myanmar in central Myanmar, Mogok is already in a festive mood, with chants and recitals by the town’s various religious groups praying for peace and success to the planned March end celebrations

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A city globally renowned for its Myanmar gems, a city where a ruby worth a nation was discovered, the only city in Myanmar where rubies are found, a city surrounded by pagoda-covered mountains and blessed with a moderate weather, a city where different religions peacefully coexist – these are some of the attributed of Mogok, which is making arrangement to grandly celebrate its 800th anniversary for three consecutive days – from March 29 to 31.

Eight centuries ago, in 579 Myanmar Era, three ethnic Shan hunters came across a ruby while resting under a fig tree in a forest. The Mogok Sawbwar (Cheiftain), to whom the ruby was presented, deliberated that the gem was priceless and established a village, complete with full security measures, at the site of the fig tree. The 800th Anniversary is dedicated to this historical event.
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The origin of the town’s name, Mogoke, descends from the Shan word “Mein Kut” – “Mein” meaning ‘town’ and ‘Kut’ meaning ‘contorted’ – a town built amidst contorted mountains. During the centuries to come, Mein Kut gradually transformed itself to the present name of Mogok.

According to the festival convening committee’s work executives, this 800th Anniversary celebration is the largest and grandest ever in the town’s history.

Min Thu Ya from the festival celebrating committee’s news and information branch said the anniversary celebrations were held in accordance with the objectives of regional progress, local and foreign tourism development, and greater opportunities for youth employment.

“We are already witnessing township development work, although the actual celebrations are a few weeks away. We can see improvement in the conditions of roads and bridges and renovation around Hmone Gwin grounds. Also, we have submitted a request to allow foreign tourists in during the festivities and if the authorities comply, the celebrations would turn out even grander with more job opportunities” he said.
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Not less than 50 work executive meeting have been held and with the assistance of Sayadaw (Senior Mond). U Thu Mingalar and Mogok Association (Yangon and Mandalay Chapters). 25 local associations and entrepreneur are actively working hand in hand in order to make the celebrations as grand and successful as possible. Though the main celebrations occur only at the end of March sports tournaments, religious chanting competitions, recitals sermons and Buddhist knowledge contests for children are already well under way. Besides Mogok native artistes other entertainers and Mogok-based performers will join in presenting the entertainment programs. Also Mogok Pauk Pauk’s ethnic fashion designs can be enjoyed to one’s full satisfaction. In additon to traditional Keinnary Keinnara (mythical bird couple) dances and ethnic Shan Ozi (traditional long drum), Palaung Zi (drum), taungbet (southern part) ozi competitions there would be lucky-draw with winning prizes, including cars for the pure enjoyment of lottery addicts and happiness of the winners. “Apart from these festivities offertories to over 2000 monks and 200 nuns would be made for the propagation of Buddhist religion and Sasana (Buddha’s teaching) Min Thu Ya added.

Youths, not to be left behind are enthusiastically making preparation to compose words and lyrics to songs, motivating people of all ages in united shouldering of any tasks at hand.
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“It’ has taken about four months to compose the 800th Anniversary songs. The compositions rather than focusing on nature and beauty mainly deal with peace unity and emergence of new strength and stamina inspiring people of all ages, without any bias to participate hand in hand ” according to Moe Ma Kha, a Mogok native youth composer and singer.

Development of domestic travel industry is still weak in Mogok The situation of foreign travel industry is no different with permits to foreigners who show a strong interest in visiting Mogok, given green light sometimes or banned at other times, depending on road and security coditions. This has resulted in only a number of hotels, motels, inland hostels in Mogok.

People from all over the country will be visiting the town and to solve the imbalance of guests and rooms available, the festival convening committee has to make advance arrangements. There are only about 200 rooms available. We cannot estimate the number of guests yet. Right now, we are making a list of temporary room accommodations are meditation centers, monasteries and monastic halls and the available space can fit in about 4000 persons. phyu pyu Myint from the festival lodging committee explained.
To solve the issue of the shortage of passenger cars plying between Mogok and Mandalay and those running in Mogok downtown area, contacts are being made with travel and tour organizaions, Min Thu Ya Said. The population of Mogok is only over 200,000 with Bamar, Shan, Lisu, Gurkha, Sikh (Buddhist) Hindu, Muslim, Ta’ang, Palaung Chin and Kachin races and religions coexisting. At present, the whole town is echoing with recitals and prayers offered by various faiths for the success of the jubilee. “Whenever there is a celebration in Mogok, we pray after reading from the sacred scripture. For the 800th Anniversary celebrations, we began reciting from the 1430 pages religious scrpture (Guru Granth Sahib) on January 5, planning to complete it on March 28. If the whole scripture is read nonstop it would take 48 hours. The complete scripture text includes sermons by ten Sikh gurus. During the festival, traditional food would be served free to everyone” said Dr. Hara Singh, a Sikh temple leader. Security during the Festivities would be taken care of in shifts by regional police regiments, besides the local police force regional fire brigade members, Red Cross bridge members and youth from various social organizations.

“The population of Mogok is only over 200,000 with Bamar, Shan, Lisu, Gurkha, Sikh (Buddhist), Hindu, Muslim, Ta’ang, Palaung, Chin and Kachin races and religions coexisting.”
A responsible township fire brigade member clarified. “There are over 2000 fire brigade members in town. We will shoulder the security responsibilities, together with other social organizations and the red cross.”

The first Bogyoke Aung San statue in Mogok, donated by Sayadaw U Thu Mingalar and erected in Hmone Gwin gorunds on Bogyoke’s 103rd Birthday will be unveiled with a ceremony during the 800th Anniversary celebrations. State Counsellor Daw Aung San Suu Kyi has been invited and the local public is anticipating her possible visit and remarks during the celebrations.

The 800th anniversary of Mogok would be soon celebrated on a grand scale. While observing and witnessing national solidarity, unbiased cooperation among people of all ages, and the town development, everyone is bound to look forward to many more future Mogok celebrations.

myanmar gems - mogok - rubies - ruby land

Source: Myanmar Times
Author: Sue Ye Ni

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